Knee Osteoarthritis Template – SOAP note

Knee Osteoarthritis Subjective / HPI

Knee Osteoarthritis Presentation

When a patient presents for knee osteoarthritis follow-up visit you want to know if the medical treatment is providing any pain relief. Besides stating the obvious like the laterality of the condition and that activity exacerbates the pain.

Knee Osteoarthritis Objective / Physical Exam

Knee Osteoarthritis Exam (PE)

A good physical exam can reveal the etiology of a patient with knee pain without obtaining any imaging test. First observe the patient’s gait when entering the room and look for any evidence of edema. A limited range of motion or crepitus on exam will likely be present in a patient with knee osteoarthritis. Testing for patellar glide laxity, apprehension test and observing instability on a single leg squad might indicate patellofemoral syndrome.

Knee Osteoarthritis Assessment and Plan

Knee Osteoarthritis Plan

For accurate clinical documentation, always specify if the condition is controlled or uncontrolled. Outline your plan. If weight loss, strengthening exercises and topical/oral analgesics have failed, consider a steroid joint injection.

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